Face-lift | Repair of self image. Vanity. Renewal. Part of identity ready for a make-over. |
Factory | Organization. Structure. Congenial work and good news. |
Fair | Social activities of a happy nature. Change for the better. |
Falling | Loss of honor. Fear of failure. Loss of power and feeling out of control. |
Family | Kin. Group. Prosperous times ahead. |
Fat | Protection. Sensitivity. Safety. Ready to lose some fears. |
Father | Authority. Control. Guidance. Recognition. Happiness. Virtue. |
Faucet | Control or release of emotions. Feelings being turn off and on. |
Fax | Contraction of space-time. Ready to communicate instantly. |
Fear | Unexpressed love. Self-doubts. Courage. |
Fence | Boundary. Separation. Where differences meet. |
Fetus | Potential. Conceived but not yet brought to birth.Wishing to produce something. |
Fight | Violent resolution. Release of energy. Building or releasing conflicts. |
File | Records. Organization. Mystery will be solved. Put things in order. |
Film | A means of distancing from events. Observation of own life. |
Finding | Discovery. Realization.I nfidelity. |
Fire | Spirit. Energy. Unpolluted and cleansing. Need to be inspired or renewed. |
Fireman | Protective masculine aspect of self. Need to be rescue or want to rescue. |
Fishing | Seeking underneath or inside for nourishment. Mystery solved. |
Flag | Patriotism. Honor. Identification. Success in own undertakings. |
Flame | Inspiration.I ntensity of emotion. Need to release a feeling. |
Flirtation | Affection of love. Intimacy. Suitable time to pursue a courtship. |
Flood | Overflow of emotion. Postponement of success. |
Floor | Foundation. Need to create some stability. |
Flower | Beauty. Happiness. Pleasure. Blossoming. |
Flying | Combination of control and freedom. Power. Success in all enterprises. |
Food | Pleasure or greed. Nourishment. Fortune in love affairs. |
Foreigners | Discovery of lost valuables. Expansion of self into unfamiliar realms. |
Forest | Natural forces. Social activities of a happy nature. Ready to explore. |
Fountain | Freedom of emotional expression. Release. Happiness and long life. |
Free or Freedom | Independence. Release. Ready to liberate part of yourself. |
Friend | Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration. |
Frozen | Preservation. Restraint. Feelings need to be resolve. |
Funeral | The end or death of something. Confrontation with pain. |
Furniture | Identity. Attitudes. Abundant means. |